Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My Ideal Guy

I think this is like the most inappropriate article to write about at this time, especially when all of us are still scrambling over which notes we are supposed to read up on to prepare for land law lectures, when ALSA UM is trying really hard to regain its former activism, and when Taekwon-do GTF Club has not even been established.

But I have been wanting to write on this topic for a looooooong time already.

*drum rolls*

My Ideal Guy.

I wrote something somewhat similar a few months ago.. but at that time, the post was supposed to be more for humour than for anything else. The past few months, what with all my little self-discovery projects (volunteer work, organising events, travel, participating in everything I can get my hands on) have assisted me in finding myself and I think I have a rough idea of what type of guy I would want, if I ever do intend on getting into a relationship again. Note: Not in a hurry, every thing will fall into place in good time.

1. He must be tall, at least taller than me when I wear heels *i'm 165cm btw
I mean business here. This might sound kinda shallow but honestly, I wouldnt want to be walking with my heels, half a head taller with my guy. Think of what it will do to his ego.. and I really cant do without my heels. I love high heels..

And I think this is fair enough. It's like how some guys like big boobs, or a perky butt, or even how some girls go gaga over K-pop stars.

[rephrased] 2. He is able to effectively express himself in English.
Not expecting Mr. English Literature.. but the guy must have at the very least, a reasonable command of the English language and is able to understand puns and language jokes. Maybe it is the way I was brought up (being banana and all).. But I just find guys who speak English, more attractive. Besides, my mandarin is embarrassing!

3. Kindness and tenderness
I believe this would be a common prerequisite for most people. We all want to spend our time with people with a good heart, a kind soul.

4. Ambition and passion
Guys that know what they want from their life and enjoy what they do with it, no matter how mundane, are sexy. You can interpret the second limb howsoever you want. :p

I guess that's all, for me. I realise that as time changes, what I seek for in a guy has changed as well. No, my ideal guy doesnt need to be a dog lover.. it's enough that he is kind to animals (refer to number 3.)

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