Friday, December 23, 2011

Seriously Drained Out This Week

Lots of things going on in my life now. Exams coming up soon, and the past week has indeed been a busy one, giving me more responsibilities for the future.

Yes, I got the post of Secretary. Most people might have considered it as granted since it was uncontested right to the very end. But i beg to differ. Even when the post is uncontested, the tension and stress is still there having to impress your potential voters. Giving the speech before the voting session commenced, that is what partially affects your vote too. and i am aware, in the law faculty there are some very very particular people who are very concerned with the affairs in ALSA so you have to make sure you meet up to their standard. I was pleasantly surprised to have earned so many of the votes of the peopel present during the AGM. Only one person voted against, and there were two void votes. The rest all voted in favour. I am aware there are a handful of people who might not have gotten a good impression from the first day that I've stepped into the law faculty. So... perhaps I just have to continue giving my best 'till one day they will see. First impressions are important, but in the end, even impressions can change.

Yesterday was Ko-k day. Really proud to know that my Taekwon-do group won 3rd place out of so many other activity groups. This shall be the end of my ko-k days, going to class in the evening every friday.. But I feel like I dont want it to end. I enjoy the way the master conducts the class, love the company. And most importantly, taekwon-do does make me feel good about myself. Heard there will be a tournament next year. interested to join.. and master keeps pushing for us to form a club. I would love to do that! But once again, I will need to reconsider all my commitments. I already have so much at hand. No doubt taekwon-do is one of my refound passions.. so will have to think about this again after the exams are over.

Picture of the class.

Anyways hopefully no more activities will crop up till my exams are over. Really really need to start concentrating. Havent been able to for the past few days due to all that has been happening. Insomnia for 2 days seriously!

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