Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Successful Mochi!!!

Today, I tried my hands at mochi. Always one of my favourite desserts but not always getting a chance to eat it due to it's price, I was curious to know what went behind this cute little dessert that made it so pricey.

I was pleasantly surprised to discover that mochi is very simple to make, almost as much as it is a delight eating!

Red Bean Mochi Recipe

Red Bean paste:
400g red beans
1 cup sugar
A little oil

For the paste, just boil the beans and water together until it becomes a paste. This usually takes about 45 minutes to 1hour 15 minutes. When it is almost done, add in the sugar and oil. The sugar and oil is actually to make the paste for runny and smooth-looking.

When it is done, leave it to cool and start on the mochi skin.
I got much help and guidance from Apple Pie, Patis, & Pate which gave much explanation on how to make red bean paste from scratch.

Mochi skin:
1 cup glutinous rice flour
1 cup warm water
1/4 cup sugar

I noticed that most of the recipes i looked through required a similar ratio. While not all asked for 1 cup of flour specifically, there was uniformity in the ration. 4:4:1 for flour, water and sugar. It is the perfect ratio and you can make an unlimited amount of mochi with this!

Mix all these three ingredients together. It will be of a runny consistency. Dont start worrying. That is how it is supposed to be.

Microwave for 3 minutes, take it and and mix it. Then, microwave it for another 4 minutes. After this, the consistency should be just perfect for mochi-making!

Flour the surface of your top and start forming mochi balls by putting the filling into the balls.

Chill for a few hours and they are ready to eat! I already ate mine. They were oh-so-good. Aint blowing my own trumpet but.. I could have mistaken them for store bought mochis from Japan!!!

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