Saturday, April 7, 2012

Comfort Zone

Almost one year ago, I was thrown out of my comfort zone. Dont ask me how. If you stalk my blog posts enough, you will have an idea.

Comfort zone is that condition when you feel safe. You dont feel the need to change nor to improve yourself, simply because you are happy and satisfied with the situation that you are in. As human beings, we tend to remain complacent when things are going great for us. Why bother working harder when you have so many good stuff at hand? Totally relatable.

But what most people dont realise is that the most valuable lessons are learnt when you are pushed beyond that safe little zone. When you dont feel certain and secure of getting something, you start to appreciate its value. And when you realise how important it is to you, only then you will work for it.

As quoted by Les Brown,
If you put yourself in a position where you have to stretch outside your comfort zone, then you are forced to expand your consciousness.  

And it is only when you dont feel so sure of getting something, that you will start putting in conscious effort to get it. You strive to become better, you analyze your faults, you push yourself to be better than yourself.

The idea is really simple. *Note: Image obtained from Pucks and Puzzle Pieces

comfort zone
You have the comfort zone. And when you cross that border, you enter the learning zone. This yellow zone is where you go beyond your boundaries and actually learn from being placed outside your comfortable normal life settings. And it is quite a far way to go before it enters the anxiety zone.

I've been through that process. It wasnt voluntarily, but I endured it nevertheless. And I've come out with no regrets. There are many instances in life when we have no choice but to go through a very difficult stage of our life. But when we manage to pull through it, we eventually come out as winners in our own eyes.

But sometimes, if you realise it yourself, why do you have to wait for something to happen before you wake up and realise? Why isnt it possible to just get up this instant and make yourself a better person?

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